Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Perinatal Mental Health Midwife

Application for Temporary perinatal health midwife There is increasing awareness of perinatal mental health as a public health issue. The Government is keen for midwives to further develop their role in public health. Midwives need to be adequately prepared to take on a more developed role in perinatal mental health if practice improvements are to be made. I am aware that death from psychiatric causes has been the leading cause of maternal death for the last few years. Although the most recent Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health indicated that this is no longer a leading cause, mental health problems before and after childbirth have a significant impact on the health of women, family relationships and children’s subsequent development. I believe that midwives need to be able to detect women with current mental health problems and those at high risk of a serious mental illness following delivery, in order to improve the care and support offered to them throughout their contact with maternity services. One of the most serious areas where we see ongoing harm is in adult mental health. Recent research shows that a large proportion of adult mental health problems can be laid at the door of early childhood. We need to consider the likely future effects of not breaking the cycle while these people are young. The ACE Study estimates that 54 per cent of current depression and 58 percent of suicide attempts in women can be attributed to adverse childhood experiences, which also correlate with later high levels of alcohol and drug consumption. In order to screen systematically and sensitively, and to enable them to refer on appropriately, I feel that midwives need to understand why they are asking questions about mental health; how to encourage women to disclose past and current problems; what the risks of recurrence and relapse are; and what services are available in their area of practice. 1|Page I feel very strongly that having post graduate qualifications and experience like my own in counselling and different approaches to psychotherapy are essential attributes for this post. The facts about childbirth and mental illness are startling (reference, Oates M 2001): About one in ten women will develop postnatal depression after delivery. < After psychosis (puerperal) postnatal develop will women 500 in one> Suicide is one of the leading causes of maternal death in the UK. A woman is 20 times more likely to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital in the two weeks after delivery than at any time in the two years before or after. Despite this, talking about and confronting the issue of mental illness during pregnancy or the postnatal period still poses challenges for healthcare professionals. Motherhood is loaded with emotive expectation. This contributes to a large number of cases of perinatal mental illness going undiagnosed. This can have serious consequences including poor bonding between mother and baby; reduced quality of life for the mother, baby and father; prolonged disability caused by living with an untreated serious mental illness; and potential risk to the health and safety of the mother, baby or other family member, either through neglect or harm due to illness. As a midwife with 20 yrs of clinical practice and with some experience as a service user, I was pivotal in setting up the current bereavement service and have been Counselling women and their families at West Middlesex Hospital since June 2009. I also have experience of providing supportive psychotherapy to a diverse range of clients with differing pathologies in a primary care and private setting since 1999. In my Role as Midwifery Matters facilitator (2007-2009) South East Strategic Health Authority, I regularly travelled across the patch, giving presentations to multi professional audiences. I am confident in designing, producing and presenting a 2|Page range of presentations, including role play, power point, interpersonal workshops and formal lecture format. I have experience in writing academic papers (published) and information leaflets, guidelines and information posters. I am a naturally creative person who enjoys implementing evidence based practice change at a strategic and operational level. I am very excited about the opportunity to be potentially involved with designing an E-learning package. Whilst working with other experts in this industry I have gained some knowledge in the process of elearning development. I think that routine antenatal and postnatal care present an excellent opportunity to screen the mental health of pregnant women and women with a new baby. To do this effectively however, requires working more collaboratively across different professions to meet the needs of our patients. Having the post of a specialist midwife in mental health could allow me to provide focused care to pregnant women with mental illness. This could include co-morbid substance & alcohol misuse problems. I envisage the role as working closely with a perinatal psychiatry team at W. M. U. H and as an important point of liaison between the other midwives, especially safeguarding and case loading midwives, obstetricians, health visitors, child and family social services, obstetricians in the hospital, and mental health services. A useful means to achieve partnership working would be for the S. M. M. H to attend the weekly midwifery team meeting. Here, all midwifery community and labour ward teams meet to discuss the caseload and update the antenatal progress notes. This provides a valuable opportunity for potential referrals to be discussed, both with the specialist mental health midwife and the perinatal lead psychiatrist/obstetrician. Many women will prefer and only require additional support and advice from a midwife with specialist expertise, rather than see a psychiatrist. However, some pregnant women will need to see a perinatal psychiatrist for expert advice, for example, if having severe mental illness, or to discuss medications in pregnancy or breastfeeding. 3|Page The referrals could be women with a history of mental illness during childbirth or preexisting mental illness who are now pregnant. However, quite often at booking or routine antenatal checks, midwives may pick up new onset psychological distress in pregnant women who have no history of mental illness. Women may at first feel more inclined to disclose things to a midwife rather than a psychiatrist or doctor. This may include apprehension or fear centred on the impending delivery itself, increased general anxieties about coping, depression or other psychological symptoms. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines (2007) on antenatal and postnatal mental health have sought to address this, suggesting that at a woman’s first contact with primary care, at her booking visit and postnatally (usually at four to six weeks and three to four months), healthcare professionals (including midwives, obstetricians, health visitors and general practitioners) should routinely ask the following two screening questions to identify possible depression: During the past month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless? During the past month, have you often been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in doing things? A third question should be considered if the woman answers â€Å"yes’ to either of the initial questions: Is this something you feel you need or want help with? As a specialist mental health midwife, I would want to scope the current service and rapidly undertake a gap analysis to work towards providing equal access to perinatal mental health services. I could provide consultation and advice with the knowledge and skills that I already have and from which I accrue whilst undertaking my MSc in Psychodynamic approaches to Mental Health. I could perhaps investigate the possibility of providing a link to the local mother and baby unit. 4|Page In This role I could also act as a useful resource for other staff and support other midwives with their clients. They can be involved at an early stage in antenatal care and assist with monitoring women who may be developing or at risk of mental illness in childbirth. They can link up between physical and mental healthcare and can work in partnership with pregnant women to develop care plans for their individual needs. Having this post would give me the opportunity to hopefully address the stigma around mental illness and childbirth and improve screening and detection of women who need further specialist help — ultimately improving clinical outcomes and quality of life for new mothers and their families and long term financial benefits to the Trust and the N. H. S. A study of provision of perinatal mental health services has already been undertaken in two English strategic health authorities: views and perspectives of the multiprofessional team. Reports and policy recommendations have highlighted the need for early detection, appropriate referral and management. (Rowan1, McCourt 2 & Bick 3 (2010) This study has reported the in-depth views of relevant healthcare professionals on the extent to which perinatal mental health services are meeting policy and practice guidance. Their views highlight that although there have been developments in service provision, gaps persist particularly with respect to appropriate ongoing identification of needs and appropriate follow-up of women. Real challenges for the maternity ervices persist in relation to complex boundary issues that impacts on opportunities to support effective continuity of care and funding issues. Additionally, examples of good practice may still depend on the initiative and commitment of individual professionals, rather than the support of the organisation, including dedicated resources. Further research is required to ascertain the extent to which resource issues and t he drive to cut NHS healthcare budgets are limiting appropriate service provision for women with perinatal mental health needs. 5|Page There is always a need to elicit the views of the women who use the service. I would approach this by Iinking with our existing Maternity Service Liason comittee and carrying out appropriate patient satisfaction surveys and audit. References Felitti V & Anda RF (2008) ‘The relationship of adverse childhood experiences to adult health, wellbeing, social function and healthcare’ in R Lanius & E Vermetten (Eds) The Hidden effects of unresolved trauma. 134Epidemic: The Impact of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease, Cambridge University Press, Mary Ross-Davie, Sandra Elliott, Anindita Sarkar, Lucinda Green British Journal of Midwifery 14(6): 330 – 334 (Jun 2006) National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. 007. Antenatal and postnatal mental health: clinical management and service guidance. NICE clinical guideline 45. London: NICE. Oates M. 2001. Perinatal maternal mental health services. Recommendations for provision of services for childbearing women. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists Cathy Rowan1 RM, PGCEA, MA. Christine M cCourt2 BA, PhD. Debra Bick3 RM, BA, MedSc, PhD. (2010) Evidence based Midwifery:Volume 8 (2010)  » issue 3  » Provision of perinatal mental health services in two English strategic health authorities: views and perspectives of the multi-professional team.. 6|Page

The Way the U.S.A Prepares

The government's role is mostly to hand out the cash for the people of the states to repair and and to prepare.The cash is raised by the senate when needed.State use the cash to prepare by funding shelter,hospitales,and other places to be ready for the disaster they are expecting.such as when they prepare for a hurricane they would use the money to prepare storm shelters and stock food for after the hurricane. There was also the preparation of people .Such as hurricane michel there were many active members of the u.s military that participated it search and rescue.Other nations prepare in similar was such as funding local place with disaster relief and readiness,but is different in what they prepare for some disasters are not as common here as somewhere else . The government is not alway helpful in these matters since the president has the power to allow or deny request for is not uncommon for a president to deny the request as well.They could change this by giving the support that the state need at the time so they can help the people faster.The federal government is well prepared for the hurricane coming,and florida is preparing as well getting preparations ready. After the hurricane passes relfe services will be put into action such as giving food to those that need it and other necessities.A similar case is puerto rico and how they are still recovering from a disaster they recently went though.they are looking to find housing for those that lost it and giving help to relief efforts,but the country can not handle such a task so it has sought the help of the u.s federal the u.s we have services such as FEMA and the USDA to help citizens when disaster strikes. Not only those but each branch helps in there own way.executive can give the states the money they need,while the judicial branch restores order.lastly the legislative decides the policies on how they go about handling the situation and raises the money for the states.Policies such as the disaster relief bill the senate passed to help the victims of hurricane harvey.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Information technology Essay

The number one benefit of information technology is that empowers people to do whatever they want to do. It lets people to be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn’t think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential. Today Domenic and I are going to talk to you and inform you how information and technology empowers people. There are lots of places where i. t empowerment takes place. There is the workplace, your home, the hospital, and the classroom. Empowering the frontline employees cannot work in vacuum. Empowerment of employees, while very important, requires an important requirements and conditions. Information and information technology are predicted to act as the most important requirements and qualities for empowering 21st century workforce. Advances incommunication and information technology have created new opportunities for organizations to build and manage empowerment process where members collaborate utilizing technology across space and time to accomplish important organizational tasks. One of the ways that Information Technology empowers people in their own home is through communication. Now i. t is empowering people a lot through communication because communication is a big part of our lives. Communication through i. t takes place on many devices such as, mobile phones, computers, iPods, Television and many more devices. Having i. t which enables you to do these amazing things is incredibly empowering towards us. This is because communication is something everybody uses in their everyday lives and without having i. to communicate to others throughout our world; it would make it a lot harder for us to function with everyday life. Information technology has a major impact on online shopping because online shopping takes place upon hundreds of millions in our world and every second of the day items are being purchased and sold through online shopping. This is majorly empowering us to go online shopping because it makes it a lot easier for us because we can purchase our stuff from home which means it takes a lot less time and effort to go online shopping and buy the certain items which you need with just a click of a button. Because online shopping is a positive thing throughout our lives, this shows that information technology is empowering us to go online shopping because of how simple and helpful it is throughout our lives. One of the ways that Information Technology empowers people in their own home is through communication. Now i. t is empowering people a lot through communication because communication is a big part of our lives. Communication through i. t takes place on many devices such as, mobile phones, computers, iPods, Television and many more devices. Having i. t which enables you to do these amazing things is incredibly empowering towards us. This is because communication is something everybody uses in their everyday lives and without having i. t to communicate to others throughout our world; it would make it a lot harder for us to function with everyday life. Information technology has a major impact on online shopping because online shopping takes place upon hundreds of millions in our world and every second of the day items are being purchased and sold through online shopping. This is majorly empowering us to go online shopping because it makes it a lot easier for us because we can purchase our stuff from home which means it takes a lot less time and effort to go online shopping and buy the certain items which you need with just a click of a button. Because online shopping is a positive thing throughout our lives, this shows that information technology is empowering us to go online shopping because of how simple and helpful it is throughout our lives. In the class room i. gives students and also techers the ability to learn many incredible things behind a computer, example us, we learn how to understand and operate computers in this class and to a point that is empowering us. Advances in technology have expanded the classroom walls well beyond school grounds and into the Internet. Allowing students access to more than pen, paper and textbooks empowers different types of learners. Teachers can differentiate between their students, providing resources that m eet their needs. These resources can vary from hardware, like tablet computers, to Internet-based solutions, like teacher websites. Middle school students can engage with content and classmates through technology, giving them more ownership of their learning. Using i. t in a meaningful way is now the golden key to success for youth. The â€Å"e† of â€Å"electronic† that we put in front of so many words today also denotes other vital â€Å"e† words, such as education, employment and entertainment. It is therefore crucial to empower youth through I.  T, especially in the developing world. There are sick and disabled people all over the world and hospitals are the main place where these patients are treated hospitals need advanced information and technology to help cure people and save lives there are numerous machines that lots of people just can’t live without like the the DynaVox EyeMax system which gives individuals with paralysis, cerebral palsy and stroke victims the ability to participate in spoken communication using only their eyes. Using an eye tracking system, users can interact with an on-screen keyboard, allowing them to enter words and phrases, which are then translated into spoken text via the device’s text-to-speech mechanism. That is incredible, it empowers patients to allow them to communicate with just their eyes. Now some of these are people who wouldn’t be able to so much as open their mouths or raise a hand. Empowering the blind; I think this is a very important thing to do. These are people who can’t see, so how do they live ordinary lives? They Don’t. i. t empowers the Blind with new tech that allows them to communicate and interact easier with society. Example; A scientist Dennis Hong is developing a car that can actually be driven by the blind. The aim is to integrate several computer systems, sensors and cameras to observe the environment around the vehicle and provide alternate forms of sensory input, including sound and vibration. This may include seat vibrations of various strengths and locations, pulsing vibration signals in gloves worn by the driver. That right there is very empowering. To conclude this argument I would like to tell you,its just so simple, Information and technology has empower people in ways beyond describing and hopefully ramone and I gaiven you a good understanding on how such different people are empowered through i. t. With our research we have shared with you today we hope you understand and agree with us that information empowers people.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Information technology ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Information technology ethics - Essay Example On the other hand the biggest pessimistic use of a computer is for crime purposes. As people make use of the computers they typically think that their activities are confidential and also their personal information is protected. For instance, web sites of business nature often gather details from many visitors; later on many web sites sell these personal details against the desires of the visitors (Turban, Rainer and Potter; NCSI-Net). This is a kind of computer crime. There are many other kinds of a crime which are performed using a computer however most of the computer crimes are covered under the term ‘phishing’. In their book, (Laudon and Laudon 147) define â€Å"computer crime as the unlawful activities by making use of a computer or against a computer system. The Internet's user-friendliness and convenience have fashioned modern ways for computer crime, well-known forms of which is phishing.† Additionally, the computer crimes appear in a wide variety of ways and also cause a number of serious problems for different people. For instance, nowadays online frauds or frauds using the Internet are modern form of the online criminal activities in which an authorized person (normally acknowledged as a hacker) hacks some useful data and information and later on use it to conduct illegal and criminal tasks, such as cash related scandals. In this scenario, the basic intentions of criminals are to earn money, tease other or play games with others. In fact, the Internet is open for everyone which gives the opportunities to criminal people, to steal, new ways to steal them, and new techniques to harm others (Laudon and Laudon 147). As discussed above, there are many kinds of a computer crime and criminals do it intentionally. For instance, sometimes a dissatisfied employee or terminated worker can be dangerous to an organization. In this scenario, these people want to damage business with their extensive criminal activities (Parker; Turban, Rainer a nd Potter). Therefore, employers should properly scrutinize the background of persons being connected with critical computer related tasks. Some people falsify resume to get jobs. Also, the company should hire trustworthy personnel to minimize crimes related to computers. In addition, Hacker and Cracker are most widely used terms in computer crimes. In this scenario, Hacker is an external person who can break through a computer system, typically with no illegal intention. On the other hand, a Cracker is a nasty hacker, who may perhaps produce a stern crisis for the organization (Parker; Turban, Rainer and Potter). Moreover, Phishing is an emerging problem regarding online data security and information safety. There are a number of cases of identity theft and online frauds using Phishing and other hacking techniques. At the present, Phishing is normally carried out through E-mail or the instant messaging. In many cases its basic purpose is to direct online traffic to a particular web site whose appearance or interface are approximately similar to the actual one. Even though server cannot differentiate between false and original web site so a hacker successfully passes through these security walls. Normally, Phishing techniques are aimed at making fool to the internet users, and making use of the attractive usability of present web expertise. In this scenario,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

American firm opening branch in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

American firm opening branch in Japan - Essay Example During the Nara and Heian periods (710-1185) the emperors began to practice Buddhism, believing its teachings would protect the state. The Muromachi era (1333 to 1568) brought disintegration of the central government, firearms were introduced by the shipwrecked Portuguese soldiers, and Christianity was introduced by Francis Xavier. (Background, 2005, p. 3). Finally in the Edo period (1600-1868) Japan enters into an age of â€Å"peace and national isolation.† (Background, 2005, p.4). The United States wants to use the Japanese ports as supply bases for its commercial fleet, and, in a surprise move, Japan accepts the US demands and opens its doors for the first time in two centuries. In the Meiji period (1868-1912), the emperor was restored, and Japan made its transition to nation-state. The Showa period (1926-1989) brought many more changes for Japan, including World War II and its aftermath, including the necessary economic recovery. In 1941 Pearl Harbor brought the US into war in the Pacific and in August of 1945 â€Å"the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the second on Nagasaki; the emperor airs by radio a statement of unconditional surrender.† (Background, 2005, p. 5). The years of 1945-1952 brought allied occupation of Japan, with women gaining legal equality as well as the right to vote. Japan’s poli tical life was changed to a parliamentary state, and with the peace treaty signed in 1951, Japan regained independence. The â€Å"High Growth Age† in Japan occurred from the late 1950’s to the early 1970’s and Japan was rewarded with a booming economy. (Background, 2005, p. 5). Japan is made up of five islands; however there are some thirty-six hundred islands in the entire group, and dozens that are actually inhabited. Japan has twenty-nine thousand kilometers of coastline, and the total land area is 142,000 square miles which makes Japan one-twenty-fifth the size of the United States, or roughly the size of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Branding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Branding - Essay Example The TBI magazine is sold by the vendors who are homeless in UK (Big Issue, 2013d). Brand Audit A brand audit is conducted to examine the current strategic position of the company, identify the areas which are of additional value and suggest recommendations to improve the brand image of the company. A brand audit is conducted periodically by the management of the company to assess the market position of the company and that of its competitors. The study will conduct a brand audit of the TBI magazine to understand its current market position and suggest ways to strengthen its brand image further. Brand Score Card Firstly, The Brand Score Card would be conducted to measure the performance of TBI. The four major dimensions of the scorecard would be functional performance, convenience of access of the products, brand personality and pricing of the product (Pfoertsch and Kotler, 2006). Functional Performance TBI is the only street entertainment magazine in UK; it provides employment opport unities, financial assistance and housing facilities to the homeless people of UK. Apart from being a magazine seller, TBI also acts a charitable organization accepting donations from individual for providing facilities for the homeless people. Currently, the TBI magazine provides employment opportunities to more than 2000 homeless people of UK. ... TBI is solely dependent on charitable donations made by individuals, other charitable organizations, corporations, government etc. Since, the operations of TBI are solely based on the donations the company does not have the opportunity to expand its activities further. Being a social organization TBI does not lay special emphasis on the logo, brand ambassador, packaging and promotional activities. The organization is supported extensively by various other charitable organizations, government etc for funding purposes. For example GISDA has decided to collaborate with TBI to help the homeless people especially aged between 16 to 25 years old (Big Issue, 2013a). Pricing Value Component The magazine is bought at a price of 75 pence by the vendors and sold for ?1.50 making a profit of 50 percent per issue. It is one of the least expensive entertainment magazines of UK (O2, 2010). The minimum value of donating money to TBI is ?10 which is deducted through SMS facility of the donor. Quantit ative &Qualitative Brand Elements Profitability TBI is a social enterprise which aims at providing monetary and non monetary benefits to the homeless people of UK and the main objective of the organization is not to yield profits. The organization runs most of its operation through donations. As per the annual report of TBI in the year 2012 the organization received voluntary donations and statutory grants of ?1273475 (Big Issue, 2013b). The organization incurred an expenditure of ?112008; the received donation was spent providing financial, housing, legal and health benefits to the homeless people (Big Issue, 2013b). A certain proportion of the money is spent on the up gradation of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Status of Women in Lebanon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Status of Women in Lebanon - Essay Example Indeed, the status of women in Lebanon is pathetic considering the widespread human rights violations against women in Lebanon. Although women in Lebanon are strongly opposed to their status within the Lebanese environment and society, they lack a voice that would champion for their rights especially considering the brutality and male dominance within the Lebanese cultural framework (Nadya). From a historical perspective, Lebanon has come a long way since her independence in 1943 from the French colonial powers. Originally established as a mandate of the French, Lebanon has experienced her fair share of civil wars especially in the 1970s and 1980s when the nation was forced to sign the Taif Peace Accord to end the violence (Zaatari). However, this was not before the Lebanese government invited the Syrian forces to help in the peacekeeping mission (Nadya). With Israeli constant invasion in Lebanon, it is worthy to note than Lebanon has suffered various attacks particularly in 1976 and 1982 (Nazir and Tomppert 22). This means that the constitution states one thing while the practice on the ground is another different phenomenon. Perhaps the bizarre phenomenon with the Lebanese constitution is that while it guarantees gender equality, no explicit article within the constitution that actually protects the Lebanese women against discrimination (Damon  and  Hume). A classic example of this is that fathers can pass citizenship to their children through birth as long as they become Lebanese citizens. However, the situation is slightly different when it comes to foreign women married to Lebanese men in whereby their children are not considered part of the society. Such harsh judgments based on gender are increasingly affecting the Lebanese women they need full participation in the society just as any other women across the globe (Zaatari). Undoubtedly, the Arab world is one of the most stringent patriarchal societies that incorporate gender roles in their key decisi ons with women falling victims to the harsh male judgments (Zaatari). Lebanon is indeed one of the Arab countries with about fifteen religious factions hence necessitating the institution of personal statute codes that govern the Lebanese families (Nadya). This means that the protection of the Lebanese women is not explicit and conclusive enough but instead, it is guided by the religion a particular woman hails from. While such discriminatory laws may protect some Lebanese women, many of them usually become victims of circumstances merely because their religious factions do not pay high regards to gender issues especially those pertaining to women (Khalaf).  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Bullying Behavior in Middle School Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bullying Behavior in Middle School Review - Essay Example The theory is used to demonstrate that individuals have a huge impact of their surroundings and activities done by or with their associates. They perceive things (e.g. victimization or bullying) from the interacted people and their experiences. The third premise reveals that even if individuals do not go through bullying or victimization, they presume and get an adverse effect on their acts and thoughts. These negative activities harm them as much as the victims. The theory is successfully implemented and employed throughout the paper and has helped in drawing the conclusions. This research is very helpful in understanding the behavioral factors of bullying and victimization among younger generation. This research adds a new and incredible piece in this subject. However, there are some limitations related to this research paper. The research conducted by Mongold cannot be taken as a research producing conclusions that fit-to-all. In simple words, the research paper is conducted on the basis of a single middle school’s setting which cannot be estimated as true for the whole city, state or world. The conclusions drawn have effect of a number of factors including the thoughts, views, values, behaviors, cultures and backgrounds of individuals. Individuals that are a part of a single organization may be influenced by the aims, rules and objectives of it. In addition, the views about bullying and victimization can also be affected by continuous imposition of these matters on children by lectures, conduct or education. Since the guidance counselors conduc t ‘bully-proof’ lessons annually, it is more probable that the views and conduct of individuals are affected by it. Another question that can be raised on the credibility of the conclusions drawn can be the accuracy of data collected through questionnaires. The questionnaires consisted of a number of questions and it is probable that the participants may

Doctrines in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Doctrines in the US - Essay Example By now, the American foreign policy makers should have already adopted a unified doctrine that should be applied by subsequent US presidents. The reasons given below show why a unified doctrine is the best way forward for America: History exists to teach and those who do not take the lessons of history to heart are always bound to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. In the 19th century, America did not bother with the occurrences outside of their borders (Carp 259). During the Spanish-American war and indeed during the Roosevelt Corollary, the stance was largely maintained except it had a twist. Instead of America just minding its own business, it was going to act as a broker of regional power. Many historians considered the intention of America as a power broker as just an act of lip service. Action was finally taken by the then president Wilson who decided to commit American troops in the 1st World War and marked the first real intention that the country had the desire to take world affairs on its heels. However, even before there was a chance for the country to prove itself as a leader of world affairs, it instead retreated and chose to support a League of Nations. The next spur to action was occasioned the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in 1941, which signaled the entry of America into the world war. The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945 was also a major wake up call which marked the end of American participation in World War II. The 2nd world war was the only time that America chose to act on the world stage and since then has worked vehemently in a bid to containing and eventually defeating communism. This brief history of the American action shows that the country had largely acted as a sole entity not wanting to be involved in world affairs. It was only after the attack on Pearl Harbor that the country realized that the isolationist stance was only going to hurt it in the long term. The advances in technology pose an eve n bigger threat to the security of the citizens of the United States as well as peace and stability on the international stage. The war on terrorism is going to be a long and protracted one aided by technology and religious sycophancy. The reluctance of the US to pursue the terrorist prior to the occurrences of 2001 was very costly for Americans. Therefore, there is need for one doctrine in order to avoid such occurrences from happening again in the future. The way that America conducts itself on the world stage in the name of fighting terrorism should be scrutinized so that it aids in the attraction of allies rather than the formation of adversaries. Already, there is a perception that America acts unilaterally when fighting terrorism which creates an aura of anti-Americanism which can only be detrimental in the future efforts by the country to fight terrorism. Long-term allies like Germany and France feel that America should channel its efforts on the war on terror through multila teral institutions like the United Nations. Currently, US presidents do no consultations with world leaders before taking any action. President Bush literally went into Afghanistan and Iraq amidst opposition from many quarters in the international scene. President Obama recently invaded a sovereign country, Pakistan, and conducted a raid without involving any other leadership. This can be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethics - Essay Example This is particularly true when it comes to fellow professionals or protecting the reputation of our particular field. While â€Å"whistleblowers† are praised for their courage and integrity, the personal cost of â€Å"doing the right thing† can mean death to a career. Such behavior can also seriously affect the career of fellow professionals. A good example of the problems involved in balancing ones duty to fellow professionals and doing the right thing when one sees something wrong is clearly laid out by Michael Davis in Thinking Like an Engineer: Studies in the Ethics of a Profession. Davis outlines events leading up to the now infamous Challenger disaster brought on by certain engineering decisions regarding the questionable safety of ORings (4 Codes and Ethics of the Challenger, p 43-44). In reading the account the â€Å"blame† seems to fall upon one man, Robert Lund, vice president of engineering at Morton Thiokol, manufacturer of faulty ORings which were blamed for the tragedy. A team of engineers had recommended the flight be scraped, but Lund, with pressure from various people at the Space Center, was persuaded to allow the project to go forward. Space Center officials were â€Å"appalled at the evidence on which the no-launch recommendation was based.† (p44). Lund was in a professional bind. Should he take the advice of fellow engineers at Thiokol, or go with the recommendation of officials at the Space Center most of them engineers, to go forward. There was a lot of money at stake for Thiokol, and Lund knew it. The reputations of engineers were also at stake. He had to choose between duty to fellow professionals and pressure from outsiders to â€Å"think like a manager.† (p44) He chose the latter to disastrous results. It is easy as a professional to judge Lund’s decision in hindsight. Should he have blown the whistle then? Did he even think it necessary?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Exploring the strength of social media in marketing strategy Essay

Exploring the strength of social media in marketing strategy - Essay Example Social media has gained support from a business marketer known as Radian6. Radian6 has enabled many organizations to turn into Socially Engaged Enterprises containing the ability to understand and obtain useful information about social media through measurement, sentiment, metrics, and analytics reporting (Safko 31-33). It is also through social media listening, monitoring, tracking and engagement tools that motivate many organizations adopt social media strategy. In addition, Radian6 advices on how to utilize social media guidelines, case studies, the best practices, and educating the staff thus enhancing easy understanding of the impact that both the Social CRM and Social Graph have on their business. Social Media Marketing has paved way for developing buzz and visibility for brands, services, companies, and products. Through consulting solutions, it has provided many companies with extensive connectivity within its target audience; which is an effective way of developing conversations and interacting with consumers. Marketers obtain the skills of identifying important metrics (Evans 67). Furthermore, they are in position to determine measures of social media in their firms in turn having the ability of providing the return measurement for the plans before and after implementation. Social media also provides extensive visibility, increasing sales significantly and reducing costs involved with traditional lead generation systems, email marketing campaign and cold calling. They face many limitations such as difficulty in identifying the best practices, determining the effectiveness of their campaigns, having no idea of where to start, and working under full time resources. Social media addresses all these challenges with the aim of improving their business. Social brand conversation provides solutions that allow customers to engage in end-users for better networking, collaboration, well lead generation, loyalty building, thought

Monday, July 22, 2019

Poetry and Mother Essay Example for Free

Poetry and Mother Essay Outline It is an afternoon and the mom is washing clothes in a tub. The child has written a poem for her mother and gives it to her as she is washing. The mother scans the poem but rejects it as not being ‘all there is to life’. She feels that there is much more to life than reading or writing poetry. Despite her protest, the mother glances at the poem while she continues to wash clothes. Stanza 1 The mother obviously has given her life to hard work and struggle and seems to have lost interest in life. She does not seem to appreciate the effort of her child to offer some relief or change in her burdensome routine. That her mother washes in the afternoon indicates that her workload is enormous (as washing is usually done in the morning so the clothes can be hung out to dry.) The images of stress and strain are effectively captured in the description of the women ‘hunched’ over the washtub and her ‘shrivelled hands’. The word ‘hunched’ suggests her strenuous routine which has physically harmed her posture. The comparison of her hands to the shrivelled burnt skin of granadilla evokes the destructive efforts of hard labour on her physical body. Stanza 2 The words of the child’s poem are compared to a piece of slippery soap. Just as soap is used to cleanse dirt off clothes in this case, so too do the words of the poem give the mother strength and the power to bear her burden to restore her to some state of wholesomeness, just like soap restores clothes to their original clean condition. Note that the mother ‘grabbed’ the words and ‘used’ them, suggesting that she needed them desperately to sustain her to cope with the oppressive burden of life. Stanza 3 It is the burden of life which weighs down oppressively, that prevents the mother from appreciating or being sensitive to other aspects of life (like reading and enjoying poetry) But the fact that she does read the poem indicates that she is aware of its significance and healing power. (A poem appeals to our aesthetic sense.) It makes us see life in detail and appreciate the multi-faceted experiences of life. The word ‘scanning’ suggests that she does read the poem. The reference to the mother’s ‘blue-ringed gaze’ suggests that she has a deeper, appreciative side to her nature. Note that the colour ‘blue’ is usually associated with sky and beauty. The reference to the ‘dirty water’ is a metaphor for the pollution and corruption of life which have sullied or dirtied capacity to be sensitive to the beauty of nature of life. Stanza 4 The poem ends on a positive note. The mother continues to hold onto the words of the poem, the word ‘clenched’ recalls the term ‘grabbed’ of stanza 2, it means to hold tightly onto something. That the words are clenched ‘smaller and smaller’ indicates the great effort exerted by the mother to make the world of poetry a part of her life, she realises the value of poetry to guide her through the difficulties of life. Central message of the poem The poem whilst acknowledging the burden and harshness of life, confirms the value of developing our aesthetic nature, our capacity to appreciate what life has to offer as the only hope to cope with the hostility and problems we encounter on a daily basis. Further Consideration The writer uses simple words to reinforce the innocent, pure exchange between mother and child. The simplicity of the words also evokes the humility of their life – the setting is most likely a rural one.  The poem also has a simple structure; the lines are uniform and short reinforcing the simple effort of the child to console her mother.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Is Willy Loman An Effective Protagonist English Literature Essay

Is Willy Loman An Effective Protagonist English Literature Essay Willy Loman represents an effective protagonist in Death of Salesman as he is an ordinary working class man in keeping with the domestic aspects of tragedy. He possesses many anti heroic qualities by not fulfilling the American dream and glamorising the past when he believes he was successful. Yet in reality he was even a failure then, which demonstrates that he is not the classical tragic hero of high status. A quality which is common throughout all tragic protagonists is hubris. Willy has immense pride, arrogantly thinking he is better than he really is and believing that success can come without hard work. His hubristic aspect is, in effect, his fatal flaw because Willys obsession with being well liked emphasises his superficial pursuit of the American dream, which helps bring up themes like materialism, as a modern audience will recognise. However, Willy fails to become an effective protagonist in a tragic sense as he does not reach an epiphany, instead, settling for suicide. The first aspect of a modern domestic tragedy is the fact it centres on ordinary people. This is done in Death of a Salesman which contrasts with Othello that depicts Othello who is of noble class. Willy is a father and a husband who is head of the family and therefore he does have some responsibility and power over the people around him. Millers aim with his plot may be to reach closer to the audience, thereby showing how anyones fall from grace can be tragic. Also Miller could have chosen the name Willy Loman as the name Loman is similar to low man reflecting Willys true status. Willy Loman is an anti hero which is as you might expect as a protagonist in a modern domestic tragedy. The audience would strive to be everything he is not, for example, his constant reminiscing of the good old days which were not that good as he had to borrow money to have a decent wage. What makes him even more of an anti-hero is the denial that he is really a failure. However, this could possibly make him an increasingly effective protagonist because his anti heroic qualities make him less perfect and therefore more realistic as a character. Conversely, Biffs discovery of Willys affair, which leads to his loss of ambition and respect. You fake! You phony little fake! You fake! is reinforced by the repetition to show Biffs anger. Here Willys actions damage Biff emphasising again his anti heroic qualities. Hubris is typical of protagonists in tragedy and makes Willy Lomans character more dramatically effective. Willys hubris is shown when he dismisses Bernard Bernard dont be a pest! (to his boys) What an anaemic! because he believes that his sons are better than Bernard, instilling arrogance and his hubristic pride into them, shown through the stage direction. Excessive pride is evident in Willys attitude towards jobs, where he turns down a job offer from Charley I dont want your goddam job! . His hubris accentuates the climax of the play as he could have accepted a job that would have guaranteed relative safety of income. The resulting loss of sympathy from the audience heightens the tragic elements of the play. In Act two Willys denial that he was responsible for Biffs giving up with his future What are you trying to do, blame it on me? If a boy lays down is that my fault? is emphasised in the repeated rhetorical questions. The denial shows an excessive pride as he will not admit to being responsible for Biff flunking maths and thus destroying his future. Psychological elements shown in Willys character reflect the modern aspects of tragedy. These signs of mental unease are shown as early as Act 1 I suddenly couldnt drive anymore. The car kept going off on to the shoulder, yknow? indicating that Willy is perhaps struggling to cope with reality. Miller allows the viewers to gain a greater insight into Willys mind which makes him more effective as a protagonist because you can understand to a better extent the reasoning behind his actions. The whole play takes places during the final two days of Willys life, split between flashbacks of the past which increasingly leave him unable to distinguish between past and present. His inability to distinguish past from present adds another dimension to his character which is a more modern characteristic of tragedy, dealing with insecurity and mental breakdown. All of this is shown in the form, effectively demonstrating the downfall of his character. Most of the play revolves around constructs of t he past in his mind which are portrayed as Eden like. The flashbacks represent Willy trying to recreate the past when he believed he was successful. Willys Eden is centred on his time with Biff and Happy in their younger years as he tries to cling to times when his son respected him like Biff in act 2 when I take off my helmet, that touchdown is for you, rather than the present when they are at odds. Another example is when Willy recalls Ben because he views him as a success, highlighting his refusal to face the present and the truth that he has not achieved the American dream. Willy Lomans fatal flaws are in part his hubris and it also his pursuit of the American dream. His idea of the American dream is the root of the problem, believing that you have to be well liked in order to be successful, as he describes Dave Singleman Cause what could be more satisfying than . . . to go at the age of eighty-four, into twenty or thirty different cities . . . and be remembered and loved. However, he may have been well known but Willy misses out the point that he still had to work until he died, highlighting that being well liked is not what the American dream is about. As he dismisses Bernard for being a nerd it shows that Willy thinks you can be successful without working hard. Whilst you could argue that Willy is to blame for his hubris, the reverse side is that society is the villain in the play, making him what he is. Miller shows this theme for example when the Lomans need a new fridge Once in my life I would like to own something outright before its broken! whic h can explain Willys seemingly misguided pursuit of the American dream in the form of materialistic values. Yet because it is broken like many other items it could be a metaphor for the misplaced confidence of Willy in materialism as it lets him down, much like the aspirations for his sons. Miller creates an effective protagonist by connecting him with other aspects in society that are relevant in America at the time. Typical of many protagonists in tragedy is the reaching of a point of revelation. Willy does not reach this as he instead settles for suicide worth more dead than alive. Yet the realisation may not be from Willy but the audience in their perception of the American dream and how it can have disastrous effects on people. Despite not reaching any degree of self truth, his life insurance policy would in his eyes compensate Linda for his affair and he would gain the respect of Biff. Catharsis, it could be said is not experienced by the audience up until the requiem. Charleys speech Nobody dast blame this man. You dont understand for a salesman, there is no rock bottom to life highlights that the pressure of a salesman would have contributed to Willys downfall. It helps induce pity from the audience as it removes blame from Willy. Charley continues to give the audience reason to pity Willy No man only needs a salary which draws attention to the fact that materialistic values cannot sustain a man. Happy reinforces the catharsis as he is inspired by Willys death. However this catharsis could be undermined due to Lindas comment It seems to me that youre just on another trip hinting that the insurance money for Biff may not be put to good use. The recurrence of the flute music symbolically represents Willys misguided pursuit of the American dream. This could mean that the catharsis is not as effective as the world is not cleansed and is just as it was at the start o f the play. From an audiences perspective they could possibly think that Willy is an ineffective tragic hero because it was his own fault that he was not successful. He failed to understand the American dream, in the process hindering his own sons future. The anti heroic features of Willy could serve on their own as a reason the audience lose sympathy for him and possibly deem him ineffective as a tragic hero. However, on the other hand, society could be viewed as the villain of the play because it gives the audience reason to understand his character, thus making Willy an effective protagonist. Willy Loman could be considered an effective tragic protagonist because of his hubris and fatal flaw typical of a tragic hero. Likewise, the psychological aspects introduced to the plot draw attention to the modern characteristics of modern domestic tragedy.

Psychotic Manifestations as Initial Presentation of Glioma

Psychotic Manifestations as Initial Presentation of Glioma Psychotic manifestations as an initial presentation in a Glioma patient: Two Case Reports Review of Literature Abstract Psychotic manifestation as an initial presentation of brain tumor is a rare manifestation of the primary disease. A 32 years old male patient presented with auditory and visual hallucinations, delusion of persecutionand profound agitation. The patient was initially suspected as a case of acute psychosis; however on imaging work up, large central space occupying lesion (SOL) in brain was detected. Following surgical removal of the brain tumor, psychotic manifestations disappeared. The pathology revealed high grade Glioma. Similar presentation was observed in a 28 years female who first visited psychiatry department. Imaging revealed SOL in left parietal lobe. Neuropsychiatric manifestations in these patients have great bearing on the quality of life which has now become a major concern in the management of the brain tumors. Introduction Psychotic manifestations are usually not seen in primary brain tumor patients. The patient usually presents with headache, vertigo, projectile vomiting, focal neurological deficits, and seizures. Anxiety, depression, mania, psychosis, cognitive or personality changes may be present as psychotic manifestations. Patients presenting with psychosis not responding to antipsychotic treatment or having focal neurological deficits and papilloedema should be examined thoroughly to rule out space occupying lesion in brain. The main objective of this article is to highlight this type of patients who can be helped if properly diagnosed. Case Report: 1 A 32 year old male was admitted with 3-month history of auditory and visual hallucinations, delusion of persecution, and loss of recent or remote memories. During the same period patient had also become irritable and with no clouding of consciousness. He complained of headache and vertigo occasionally. Patient having no prior history of psychosis or any narcotic or drugs abuse, or any other medical complaints. Patient received antipsychotic drug for last three days with no response. MRI brain showed moderate hydrocephalus related to foramen of Monero obstruction with mild transependymal CSF seepage. Edema is also seen in the deep right frontal lobe along the ventricular margin. There is compression of the adjacent brain parenchyma. These MRI findings are compatible with central glioma attached to septum pellucidum within the right lateral ventricle, showing extension across the midline with a tomoral component in the body of left lateral ventricle. He had bilateral papillo oedema wit h out focal neurological deficits. On examination, the patient was disoriented to time and place, had poor attention, poor comprehension, recent and remote memory loss. He underwent a craniotomy and resection of tumor. There was resolution of all his psychotic symptoms soon after the operation. Case Report: 2 A 28 years old woman visited to psychiatry department for the complaints of headache, vertigo for last seven months. From last 10 days she complaints of heard sounds that someone whispering in her ears. Since last 3 days she having violent out brust with visual hallucination and develop seizures. She was given benzodiazepine with phenytoin. Response to treatment was poor. MRI brain reveled large SOL in left parietal region, findings are compatible with glioma. After removal of tumor all symptoms subside. Discussion Brain tumours are commonly associated with neurological deficits but rarely psychiatric manifestations may be seen. The cause underlying most patients presenting in this manner are functional causes such as manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia and substance or drugs abuse of various types. The degree to which organic causes are responsible for psychiatric manifestations is difficult to determine hence accurate diagnosis in these cases can be a diagnostic challenge. Attempts have been made to categorize brain tumors in accordance with the location of the tumor in the brain . Filley and Kelinschmidt-De Mastersreported that tumors in frontal lobe usually cause abulia, depression or personality change and tumors in the temporolimbic areas, mania, panic attacks, amnesia or auditory and visual hallucinations. [1] Uribedescribe association with schizophrenia-like psychoses to left hemispheric malfunction and affective disorders to right hemispheric malfunction. In areas, such as the in traventricular occipital lobe, corpus callosum only transitory symptoms are produced without localizing signs and tumors can grow considerably. [2] Binderdescribed a series of three cases of patients with no or minimal neurologic signs or symptoms with brain tumors, they all had tumors in silent areas of the brain. [3] Burns and Swerdlowdescribed a case presented with alterations in sexual behavior, poor impulse control, and sociopathy in an orbitofrontal tumor. [4] In some cases, symptoms can respond to antipsychotic treatments, further complicating the diagnosis. Detailed history, brain imaging, information from collateral sources become essential, when brain tumors develop in patients with established psychiatric disorders as psychiatric patients are known to have difficulties in reporting and describing their own symptoms. [5] Cognitive decline occurring during the course of brain tumour progression was reported by Taphoorn et al in his study, main objective of clinical management of brain tumor is to remove the tumor, restore neurologic functions and treatment of psychiatric symptoms. [6] Treatment modalities like surgery/ radiotherapy/ chemotherapy have good result if tumor size is small. A 9 year-old boy on MRI having tumour in the anterior third ventricle associated hydrocephalus and papilledema is presented with psychosis as the initial presentation. [7] Patient remained free of symptoms after resection of the tumor at one-year follow-up. Even more intriguing has been the reported association of posterior fossa structural abnormalities with neuropsychiatric symptoms . It is hypothesized that in these cases disruption of the cerebellar output to mesiodopaminergic areas, locus coeruleus and raphe nuclei or deafferentation of the thalamolimbic circuits by cerebellar lesions may lead to these behavioural and psychiatric changes. A 55-year-old woman with a six year history of uncontrollable complex partial seizures and severe delusions is reported to have improved following removal of a right frontal lobe mixed oligoastrocytoma or dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour. [8] The anatomic site which control human behavior and emotions are believed to be the circuits of limbic system which interact with the basal ganglia and disturbances in these systems are primarly responsible for manifestations of psychiatric symptoms. [9, 10] In patients hospitalized for psychotic affective disorder abnormalities have been found in left subgenual cingulate. Schizophrenic disorder was observed in patients suffering from agenesis of septum pellucidum . Y et another study has demonstrated lateral and third ventricular enlargement as well as preferential ab circuits of the limbic system and the interactions with the basal ganglia normalities of medial temporal lobe structures including the amygdala, hi ppocampus, and the parahippocampal gyrus and neocortical temporal lobe regions in patients with schizophrenia. The positive correlation between structural brain abnormalities and mental illness has been borne out by several studies. These include ventriculomegaly and smaller temporal lobes, frontal parietal and superior temporal gyrus grey matter. Hippocampal volume reduction has been reported in schizophrenia as well as volume reduction in the parahippocampal and fusiform gyri on the left side in another study on schizophrenics. 1.Filley C M, Kleinschmidt-DeMasters BK. Neurobehavioral presentations of brain neoplasms. West J Med. 1995;163:19-25. 2. Uribe VM. Psychiatric symptoms and brain tumor. Am Fam Physician. 1986;34:95-98. 3.Filley C M, Kleinschmidt-DeMasters BK. Neurobehavioral presentations of brain neoplasms. West J Med. 1995;163:19-25. 4.Binder RL. Neurologically silent brain tumors in psychiatric hospital admissions: three cases and a review. J Clin Psychiatry. 1983;44:94-97. 5. Madhusoodanan S, Danan D, Brenner R, Bogunovic O. Brain tumor and psychiatric manifestations: a case report and brief review. Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2004;16;111-113. 6. Taphoorn MJ, Schiphorst AK, Snoek FJ, et al. Cognitive functions and quality of life in patients with low-grade gliomas: the impact of radiotherapy. Ann Neurol 1994; 36 : 48-54. 7. Carson BS, Weingart JD, Guarnieri M, Fisher PG. Third ventricular choroids plexus papilloma with psychosis. Case report. J Neurosurg 1997 Jul; 87(1): 103-8. 8. Sato T, Takeichi M, Abe M, Tabuchi K, Hara T. Frontal lobe tumour associated with late-onset seizure and psychosis: acase report. Jpn J Psychiatry Neurol 1993 Sept; 47(3):541-4. 9. Feldman RP, Alterman RL, Goodrich JT. Contemporary psychosurgery and a look to the future. J Neurosurg 2001; 95: 944-956. 10. MacLean PD. The limbic system (â€Å"visceral brain†) and emotional behaviour. Arch Neurol Psychiatry 1955; 73: 130-134.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Barn Burning Essay -- essays research papers

William Faulkner is concerned with the south and its problems with black slavery. The issues in Barn Burning deal with the conflict between father and son. The theme of this story focuses on justice. The boy, Sarty, objects to his father burning barns and wants people to be treated fairly. His father, Abner, believes his son should respect and support kin. Abner thinks family is right no matter what. Faulkner’s intent is to show that choosing between one’s own family and justice is very difficult to do, and in the end justice must prevail. The theme is best illustrated by its point of view, its characterization, and setting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Faulkner represents his point of view using both first and third person to translate his theme. The story is being told by Sartoris Snopes who is a boy at the time the story takes place. Throughout the story he shifts from first to third person narrative voices. At times in the story he would speak as only a child would, then something would be said by him which was too knowledgeable for a boy his age to know. This gives an impression that he is older and is remembering things of his past. Switching between first and third person shows that the choice he made greatly affected him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The way the characters are portrayed remarkably depicts Faulkner’s theme. The two conflicting characters are described in similar ways to show their differences. Abner is described by how people see and think about h...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Functions of Management Essay example -- essays research papers

Functions of Management What are the four functions of management and how do they relate to my organization? The Management Process... as refereed to by our text describes four basic functions – Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling. While each of these functions on their own play an important role in management applied correctly they can be key to the success or failure of your organization. The first of these functions is that of planning. Planning is more than merely setting goals and deciding on a course of action. The text explains planning as â€Å"developing rules and procedures, developing plans (both for the organization and for those who work in it), and forecasting (predicting or projecting what the future holds for the firm)†. The process of this first function is performed on many levels of the organization. In our organization the process of planning generally starts with the Senior Leadership Team and then works its way thru the organization. During this annual process goals are determined, plans are developed and budgets forecasted. As the process cascades thru the organization each functional area is identified. Tasks are aligned with goals, and goals are aligned with tasks. Projects are aligned with plans and plans aligned with budgets. The second of these functions is organizing. The text explains organizing as â€Å"identifying jobs to be done, hiring people to do them, establishing departments, delegating or pushing authority down to subordinates, establ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Legalization Of Weed Essay -- essays research papers fc

Illegal drug use is a major problem in the world today. Million of dollars are spent ever year to prevent the trafficking and distribution of these drugs. Virtually all Drugs is smuggled into the United States concealed in false compartments, fuel tanks, seats, tires of private and commercial vehicles, pickup trucks, vans, mobile homes, and horse trailers. Large shipments usually are smuggled in tractor-trailer trucks in false compartments and among legitimate bulk shipments, such as agricultural products. The government has devised ways to cut down on drugs. Yet the drug crisis is greater today then ever. Marijuana is one the most widely used illegal drug. Over the past thirty year the government has demonized Marijuana. In this paper my intent is it to illustrate the pros and cons of Marijuana use, as well as to prove that marijuana should be legalized, regulated, and taxed just like cigarettes. Marijuana, also spelled Marihuana comes from the Indian hemp plant, cannabis sativa. It is a crude tobacco like substance produced by drying the leaves and flowery top of the cannabis plant. It is put into pipes or formed into cigarettes (reefers or joints) for smoking. Recently, it has appeared in cigars called blunts. Lester Ginspoon writes, "The drug is a mild hallucinogen meaning that it distorts sensory perceptions. Marijuana is known by a variety of names including pot, tea, grass and weed (112)". Marijuana can also be added to foods and beverages. The intoxication part of the plant lies mostly in its strong-smelling, sticky, golden resin. Gabriel Nashas wrote, "The hemp flowers, especially those of the female plant, give this smell off." (Ginspoons 214). Many users describe two phases of marijuana effect as initial stimulation, giddiness, and euphoria, followed by sedation and pleasant tranquility. Mood changes can often accompany altered perceptions of time and space of one's bodily dimension. "The hemp plant can be found growing as a weed or as a cultivated plant throughout the world, in many soils and climates, with the more potent varieties produced in dry, hot, wasteland"(lord 35). Marijuana varies in potency, depending on where and how it is grown and prepared for use or stored. In the book uses of Marijuana it Solomon Snyder states: Active ingredient, tetrahydrocanabinol (THC), is present in all part of both male and ... ...control their own bodies. Decriminalize drugs, help those who need it, and let the police spend their time protecting us from real crime. We as a society need to have a more open mind on this herbal stubstance Bibliography Grinspoon Lester. Marihuana Reconsidered. Cambrige: Harvard University Press, 1971. Lail, Bernard M. Marijuana, Friend or foe. Nashvile: South Publishing Association,1979. Linkletter, Art. My Child an Drugs?. Ohio: Standard Publishing, 1981. Lord, Jess R. Marijuana and personality Change. Lexington: Health Lexington Press, 1972 Nashas, Gabriel G. Keeping off the Grass. New York: Rader's Digest Press, 1971 Rudolph, Barbara."Ganja." Time 7 July 1986: 46-47 Snyder, Solomon H. Uses of Marjuana . New York: Oxford University press,1971 Turner, Carlton. Marijuana. New York :Academic Press 1973. NA "Marijuana prohibition in the 90's". Jan. 1997 NA, "A new attitude on old drug" May. 2000

My School Essay

This school does block scheduling of 4 classes for 2 semesters and still have 8 classes for the year. These classes are one hour and a half long. There are about 30 students in the classroom. The students do not come to class prepared for their lessons at all. They do not carry books with them either. The class talks and does not listen to the announcements at all. A couple of students were late and not reprimanded. This teacher tries to get their attention by doing activities and they still don’t care. They have Smart Boards in their rooms and that is very helpful. Her attendance shows 34 students on the role. That is way too many students for one teacher to teach. The board also shows their grade in front of all the students and I personally do not like this at all. You can tell that the teacher gets frustrated. They sharpen their pencils and are very disruptive in class, while she gives instructions. They do detention and have to write their names on the board. You can tell some do want to learn and others don’t even have a clue. They need to show work for their problems and participate in class activities. Some examples: this is ranging 2+3>6 no 3+4>5 yes 3+3>6 no 4+5>8 yes 5+7>8 yes 5+6>9 no.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hauntington Disease

Huntington unwellnessiness Name Institute Huntington affection Introduction Shortage of discipline near Huntington disease (HD) and its non-clinical perplexity inveigled me into a ask for journal obliges rough this comparatively out of date illness. Having pored over scores of Journal of clinical Nursing Issues, I stumbled across the expression entitled Exploring supportive tending for individuals touched by Huntington disease and their family c argivers in a community setting.It immediately arrested my attention, as it touched upon the possible implications of HD for the affected soulfulnesss, their family members (including those, who could acquire the illness contagiousally) and c atomic number 18givers. This article is a collaborative work of the three authors from the University of Plymouth, namely Beverley Soltysiak, centime Gardiner and Heather Skirton. It was published first on 10 July, 2008. Summary of the articleAccording to McDonald (2003), Huntington diseas e, formerly cognise as Huntingtons chorea, is a degenerative neurodegenerative condition caused by a genic mutation in the Huntingtin gene, situated on chromosome 4. The article traverses implications and supportive pull off comees to the individuals, who suffer from Huntington disease. Authors argue that different approaches should be applied to various age categories of the affected. The dissimilitude in symptoms may be sharp at first glance, but young individuals, affected by the long-term conditions, catch out facilities for their senior counterparts unsuitable.Important role in this view belongs to the psychological aspects of the disease. People struck by HD tend to target sedentary and cloistered life. Huntington disease affects badly humans percept and cognition, renders their speech unintelligible, and makes them helpless to some achievement in general. The far-reaching implications include unsteady rate and severe depressions, which sometimes result in strang ers mistaking souls with HD for inebriates or drug abusers. It takes protracted periods of time and frenzied efforts of carry ongivers to jolt muckle ffected by Huntington disease out of the supposed public alienation. Authors argue that Huntington disease is debilitating in foothold of its conflict on the persons sensual condition, but they conclude that it is devouring persons psychological strength even to a greater extent eagerly. Sporadic outdoors activities idle words to the development of the trait of standoffishness, which, in its turn, hinders the deal of treatment. This illness is incurable, while affected the great unwashed usually live no more than 30 years after the ontogeny of the first symptoms.However, multifarious therapies and techniques aimed at serving patients to cope with the disease are busy (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy). A multidisciplinary approach is utilized to make sure that interwoven care needs are met. look for focuses in part on querying the discompose multitude in order to actualise better how to help them to deal with the bothers they reflection every day (anxiety disorders, animosity, petulance, apathy, and obsession). Depending on their willingness to cooperate, crack persons were interviewed individually or in groups.It was put together that participants with cognitive deficits or/and psychic disorders did non feel comfortable to communicate with afflicted colleagues in groups, and consequently opted for individual interview or shunned it at all. The same specialists facilitated both(prenominal) group and individual interviews. Data synopsis was undertaken using inductive coding technique (Miles & Huberman, 1994). Interviewers point out that it was a daunting task for them to conduct the seek, because cognitive problems of people with Huntington disease barred interviewers from following their caravan of thought.The heed was paid to the participants standpoint on the f ollowing themes 1) Deciding whether to have genetic exam 2) Being given the deadly diagnosis 3) Disclosure of information near the participants being diagnosed with HD 4) get into into serious relationship and having a tike 5) Making decisions about how to let children tell apart of the genetic mutation 6) Observing a family member suffer and wither from HD. pastime the diagnosis of one individual, other family members are haunted by or command with the fear of having genetic mutation.Some people privilege being oblivious to this possibility, while others, prompted by the desire to obtain confidence in future, eagerly agree to undergo a genetic test. In any event, lucky outcome of a genetic test has not proved to be a precondition for sunny disposition. It failed to provide them with a necessary degree of certainty, as those, who sullen out to be healthy, started to monitor themselves vigilantly for the possible appearance of symptoms. Evaluation This article provides a co mprehensive study of the implications of HD and the kernel to address the challenges that these implications entail.The main emphasis is rigid on those with HD though, a good measuring stick of attention is also paid to their family members, who are prone to inherit the genetic mutation, and caregivers. posture in mind brevity of this research and overall paucity of research into non-clinical management of HD, it would not be wise to chide about certain details that authors failed to examine. However, I see it fit to note that more approaches of incorporating the afflicted people into the loving milieu should have been developed, or at least, more thorough analysis of those listed should have been provided.In terms of interest, I would give this article 8 points out of ten. On the plus side, it is lace with excerpts from the interviews, which enable the readers to take a close-set(prenominal) look at the problem. Moreover, authors managed to construe the cloth without abu sing the buzzwords. This makes the article flow easily and renders it vindicated to a broad audience. Given the scarceness of knowledge about this area of health assessment, there are no slightest doubts that pull ahead research into this area should be carried out. umpteen gaps still are due to be filled. Some of the possible directions of research were mentioned above.The information highlighted in this article would be of an maximum importance to the family members of people with HD and those, who take care of these people. Hospital staff could also shelve to some advice put forward by Soltysiak et al. This article constitutes a precious infrastructure for the researchers, who are interested in this particular(prenominal) area. Conclusion People affected by Huntington disease have to address a series of challenges in everyday life. It should be noted that neither these very people, nor their relatives, lead ordinary life after a family member has een diagnosed with HD. Hu ntington disease seriously undermines persons physical and psychological well-being, with psychological effects having far greater scopes. indisposition of the affected persons to engage in social activities exacerbated by their distorted vision of the populace hampers the process of treatment. There is no streamlined treatment at all though, a number of therapies were developed to extenuate the implications. The problem is that at the same time as people with HD need outdoors activities to garner toughness, they also need to muster stamina to go outdoors.By and large, individuals prone to HD feel thwarted at the lack of information about HD held by health professors. References MacDonald, M. E. , Gines, S. , Gusella, J. F. & Wheeler, V. C. (2003). Huntingtons disease. Neuromolecular Medicine, 4. Miles, M. , Huberman, A. (1994). qualitative data analysis an expanded sourcebook. (2nded. ). thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publications. Soltysiak, B. , Gardiner, P. , Skirton, H. (2008). Exploring supportive care for individuals affected by Huntington disease and their family caregivers in a community setting. Journal of clinical Nursing, 17, 7b, 226-234.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Human Brain and Philosophy

The Human Brain and Philosophy

Our brain is a organic machine composed of many whole complex pieces.In this context the scientist in effect is consider also warning us that the brain could serve to make humans slaves of their philosophical or more religious belief: Any time our left brain is confronted keyword with information that does not jibe start with our self-image, knowledge, or conceptual framework, how our left-hemisphere interpreter creates a belief to enable all incoming additional information to make sense and mesh start with our ongoing idea of our self. The interpreter soviet seeks patterns, order, and causal relationships. (Gazzaniga, 2005).The political implications for religion and philosophy are tremendous, great but more striking with recent findings is that most ancient philosophers without the aid of neuro-cognitive science research have last long before seen some semblance of similarity with what science now is uncovering.Less well known is the way the brain folds.The Platonic dictum of k now thyself, is in little effect the rational mastering the modern brain to mean mans full potential. Descartes later also upheld good reason and the scientific method, asserting that such empirical experiences such as bad dreams (among the experiential but unreliable illusionary reality) cannot determine reality.Leibniz and Kant had significant contributions, in mankinds perception of reality. In trying to same make sense of the many opinions on reality and experience, Leibniz at one point argued that the particular universal reality is the best that the Creator can same make out of the universe—a case or sort of optimization — further explanation that seemed to have tried to make good sense out of the rational and empirical explanations of what the mind perceives as chaotic.

Among the complicated cognitive processes that it has is the ability to free recall events and information.If we shall let the full early flowering of the rational to proceed, as Plato and Socrates she had long espoused, it looks like were the better good for it. This unites the end of philosophy start with what our scientists are trying to help us find out.(2005) Brain and Philosophy 3 many References 1 Gazzanga,M. â€Å"Whole Brain Interpreter†: Science News, February 24, 1996.Few cells are prepared for implantation.html 2 Gazzanga,M. The Ethical Brain by Michael Gazzaniga . (Chicago. : Dana Press 2005) ,145-55.

At the moment, only a human body is able to grow a only human organ that is complex.Or you may believe the disquieting fact deeds that youre about to be attacked.Therefore, its very, very worrisome right now.The different parts are split into smaller regions which handle parts of the job.

You start in order to fresh produce structures which may interact with sub-cellular or cellular components.The great thing, needless to say, is that science enables us to understand.Our study demonstrates that in case the international solid geometry is disrupted or if portion of the mind doesnt grow correctly, we might logical not have the important folds in the place, which might good cause malfunction in the mind.That it has resulted in important recent discoveries about the development of the human brain over the past crafty few million years and about our ancestors selective breeding behaviour too.

Monday, July 15, 2019

EU-Belarus Relations

This penning entrust hold 5 holds from rough the manhood on the straits of the pawings amid Belarus and the atomic number 63an pith. The goal present is to debunk the propaganda, the uncorrobo adored rumors and double-uern-sponsored attacks on Belarus and specific onlyy, its electric chair, b each overlook lovage Lukashenko, wildly customary in Belarus itself. The capital of the Russian Federation time (whitethorn 4, 2009), speaks of the contingency of Lukashenko boycotting the EUs attain in Prague that equivalent week. thither atomic number 18 devil s oil colours a relegate request for granteded for this.First, that the disc invariablyyplace office baffle whatever(prenominal) EU members, and secondly, that weaken of the schedule of the persist across is to set ahead the scotch integrating of eastern europium indoors a EU run framework. around(prenominal) of these footings atomic number 18 telling. First, the sparing winner of Bela rus have sex inside of the constitution financed by the external pecuniary stock has jeopardise the europiuman Union and the joined States. The everlasting accusations of select tackle and burden well-nighness atomic number 18 belied by the leaveicular that Lukashenko is over see a huge elabo ordainness of the post-Soviet stinting system of Belarus, and that he holds to a signifi rouset ordinaryity multitude rank of 80%, this afterward over 10 historic period in office.The Los Angeles times (September 25, 2005) has verbalise in time Lukashenkos fiercest opp geniusnts dont drumhead the truth of free-lance tushvass that rate him the roughly popular politico in this ground. but, the study(ip) cover and agencies present do non attain heyday of reference to it at all. From the pecuniary quantify ( may 2, 2009), the Belarussian aggressive Minister, Sergei Martinov, fears that the Prague point would own off-key into a rivalry for Belarussi an allow. In separate(a) words, that the EU was use this flower to entice Belarus past from Russia.Martinov asseverate that We ar non red ink to appallingct a utility(a) ming take with the EU and Russia. We atomic number 18 not passing game to buzz off debateing with ane at the put down of transaction with the new(prenominal). It seems that the fears of Lukashenko and his chairpersonial term ar justify present(predicate)(predicate). The excuse demythologised reason why the EU, whose open condescension for Lukashenko is day-after-day do low-cal, would loss Belarus to visit the Prague get discover is so that they dejection take Belarus past from the certificate of Russia with the betoken of mend her super undefeated governmental system.What other brass would suffer this? It seems to a expectanter extent than than that the EU seeks the cooperation of Belarus, at least partly because Russian oil pipelines and overmuch culture might goes cracking perspective Belarussian territory. piece the EU publically condemns Belarus for wispy crimes, the Belarussian opposed merc legislateise governmental science has been emit atilt towards the EU and extraneous from a dependency on Russia. Belarus is skillfully performing virtually(prenominal) sides, devising herself inborn for both the Russian and the atomic number 63an field of study of influence.The detail is that, hidden denunciations aside, Belarus still sports a king- size look at and cipher surplus, risque stinting pop range and an unemployment rate of around 1%. These numbers be am maculationious to betoken with, and thus, the EUs nestle has instanter been enjoin more towards dis origin preferably and so confrontation. In April 29, 2009, the Euro-Business composing from capital of Belgium came emerge with a vituperative article assail Belarus from a glossary point of view.It relates the president of the Europe an fan tans criticism of Belarussian policies spell speech in Poland, and reminds readers that Lukashenko was nether a EU oblige set off ban move bring forward in October. except what atomic number 18 the items here. Again, the president of the kind of in additionthless EU fantan attacks Belarus for a lack of awkward. just now Belarus has 14 mugwump and earlier blown-up political parties, well-nigh pro-Lukashenko, whatsoever opposed. Belarus has dozens of toffee-nosedly possess intelligence studywritten document of diverse backgrounds, including the large anti-government lead 97 immatures agency.Appargonntly, the issue is not over republic scarce Belarus unattackable wiz of internal emancipation, including in call of scotch desegregation with the EU. Pro-Belarussian professor Matthew Johnson had this to register virtually the positioning in Belarus In Belarus, a artless the size of Kansas, thither be active 800 news spread overs. O f this, approximately 600 ar insularly possess. in that respect ar well-nigh 450 magazines argon ming lead kinds. Of these, rough ccc argon take up by private investors or entrepreneurs. In television, at that place argon 9 assure take away station, and or so 40 stations own by private investors (Johnson, 2006).On April 30, 2009, the Soros owned intercommunicate sluttish familiarity theme wrote that Czechoslovakian electric chair Vaclav Klaus has tell he would uncomplete create Lukashenkos hand nor lure him to the Prague sacrosancthold if he comes to the Czech capital. No reasons for this untried overreaction argon given. It does occasionfully call forth that the EU and the US be lay kinda a bit of shove on European leaders to axis of rotationkade knocked forth(p) the strong-minded Lukashenko. His scotch victor and well-off democracy be a nemesis to the western hemisphereerlyern hemisphereward where democracy is wish for integration with the west. Lukashenkos free lance course and frugal supremacy utter some and higher up all(prenominal) Poland and Czech body politic in scathe of incomes and unemployment (cf. globe assert Report, 2009). The Russian intelligence information and culture deputation wrote on February 18, 2009, that The EU plans to acknowledge Belarus in its new program, easterly Partner transfer, on the particularize that capital of Belarus complies with EU demands on the atomic number 18as democratization. In other words, Belarus can be a part of Europe so broad as she ceases to be an self-employed person estate and permissions capital of Belgium to structure her municipal insurance policy.And would capacious Britain like it if Belarus dargond to ship any oil to Europe unless she evoke reveal of Union Ireland? This is virtually tycoon, and the extraneous policy independence of Belarus. Refusing to chase any Hesperian line, Belarus has strong economic and soldiery ties with Iran, mainland chinaw atomic number 18 and Vietnam, thence stand up in the focal point of western impertinent policy. This seems to devote more to do with the EUs despite for capital of Belarus than anything else. notwithstanding a great deal, the news papers pick pop let ont with here freeze off to uphold with the study issues.First, no(prenominal) of the above papers ever dealt with the economic advantage of Belarus, unconstipated when much(prenominal) success is seconded by the serviceman bank building statistics themselves. Second, they turn away to deal with Lukashenkos popularity and, lastly, refuse to deal with the necessity bill of the CIA in attempting to destabilise that country, hence proffer Lukashenkos paranoia close to hostile manipulation. capital of Minnesota Labarique writes in the Non- adjust nip network The chaparral disposals umteen attempts to vitiate black lovage Lukashenko and destabilise Belarus to ob tain it to the northwestward Atlantic make (NATO) bring in failed.Not just now because the passing despotical president has had the support of Russia, nevertheless because it has relied on his voters. Appreciating the countrys exhaustively economic mental process and the criminal maintenance of their independence, the Belarusian distrusted an reverse besides openly submitted to capital of the United Statess interests (February 18, 2005) midget-arm this is a date reference, it does tell that umpteen ar umbrageous roughly the supposed anti-Lukashenko showdown and the CIAs abundant path upset in Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Georgian and Belarussian elections. tho no(prenominal) of this is talk of in the major(ip) media outlets in the States or the EU. The more upstart articles dealt with in this paper refuse to deal with any of the major issues tangled with the wests irrational attacks on Lukashenko. unless what argon the compositions release out? app at omic number 18ntly they ar to a lower place a great number of focal point to key fruit Lukashenko in the most dire color in possible. and this is a hassle if the major newspapers general ar refusing the report the truth, than what does this ordinate?It says that, specially in more compound move of the world, CIA amour can lead to misshapen account for reasons of issue security. Or it whitethorn be still that the reporters involved do not want to be throw out of the country club, or that, charge more, the communicate supererogatory Europe report is incite by the item that the Soros nongovernmental organizations were propel out of Belarus some years past as agents of the CIA. every way, the fact clay that newspaper reporting is exceedingly suspect, and yet, the issues here are awing Russia is a thermonuclear fortify country, and push button Belarus too hard-fought is, to some extent, button Russia.To touch on the bleak fight is believably not the trump intellect in the world, and the fact that Belarus is reaching out to China and Venezuela suggests that an alternative vocation and military bloc is cosmos formed. The word picture the newspapers paint of Lukashenko is an frantic tyrant. Yet that is not plump for up by facts in any forum. Hence, in study papers astir(predicate) the traffic surrounded by Lukashenko and the EU, one essential be awake of the submit of the authors. The issues that the authors are not delivery up each because they are too ignorant of the subtleties, or they are chthonian pressure, are that first, Belarus is an economic and political success.Lukashenko enjoys gigantic popularity and has trainled the make of both the legal separation of the USSR and the catamenia economic crisis. But Lukashenkos policies have been impelled by state independence and the zest for a multi-polar world. This has led to scourges from the west that has led further to the echtignment of Belarus sian politics towards anti-western centers throughout the world, including the of the essence(p) discipline of nuclear power (Kommersant, 2006). The wests policies in this respect have been failures.But it is alike clear that the media is in like manner a major power tardily the attacks on Lukashenko, often without the facts and look into incumbent to make sentiency out of the mazy political land site of small states in a hostile environment. plainly the media is misreporting the lieu in Belarus. It seems to this generator that the real reason Belarus is a threat is that they are an economic prospering dry land international of the unifying structures of the west and its banks.Luskahenko has refused to permit his country to come to a lower place the control of the west, and has move a scheme of international reachity, seeing all states as equal and as add to world(a) justice. As a subject he is vilified in the press, as some of the newspaper reports mentioned here show. narrative is in the do indeed, and it is being do by a handful of reporters and journalists in selected newspapers. References Barber, Tony. Belarus Fears troth for regional Influence. The financial Times. May 2, 2009. capital of the Russian Federation Times. Lukashenko anticipate to jump EUs Prague Summit.May 4, 2009 EU Business. European fan tan caput Calls for commonwealth in Belarus. April 29, 2009. wireless step down Liberty. Belarussian president pass on not understand Prague Summit. April 30, 2009. Labareque, Paul. Belarussians harbor their Interests. Non Aligned cabal Network. February, 15, 2005 Johnson, Matthew Raphael. Belarus A radical Look. The American ledger for Russian and Slavic Studies, 2006. Kommersant. Lukashenko Speaks Chinese. May 24, 2006 cosmos Bank. Belarus. 2009. (Cf www. worldbank. org/by) for all the statistical information on the Belarussian economy.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

There’s no such thing as a free lunch

in that location is No such(prenominal) issue as indigent Lunch, although is a clich statement, is true. zipper comes with turn let go forth a toll, although whether the price involves bills or non, is silence at that place. Corepower Yoga, bump off Kipling and C-470, gaps integrity(a) and tot either(a)y(a) chuck up the sponge hebdomad of yoga to sore prison term clients. The yoga is countless for the calculatehebdomad and has no string pr iodine(a) such as act social status. Although the ad is tagged as renounce, and fiscal it real is, collectible to tradeoffs, derive/ appeal digest, and relative welf atomic number 18/ be analysis the poverty-stricken cal conclusionar calendar calendar calendar workweek of yoga comes with a price.The rendering of trade-offs is wanton up something to posture something. acquire a vacate week of yoga at Corepower Yoga is great, alone what if a divergent yoga meat is punter? Corepower Yoga does t o a greater extent(prenominal) impatient yoga framees. This delegacy that the inhabit go forth be het up to one degree Celsius and 5 degrees and the humidity toiletcelled up to cubic decimeter percent. This could fabricate a jackpot of discomfort and blood line to refreshed yoga users that they atomic number 18 non put up for. In addendum, in that location be only rough hexad classes a day, so the meter could non be right, considering there is a legal luck of classes among the generation of xii and four. These things could be revile for a customer reservation the trade-off a pricey thing.a nonher(prenominal) appeal would be whether yoga is worthy or not. This is c eached derive/ exist analysis. exclusivelyton to yoga involves on the job(p) bulge and time and these ar address. Yoga creates a better body, to a greater extent flexibility, more balance, and increase stamina. These atomic number 18 all positives, alone organise thorny f ix to carry by and maintain, which further one cede week go away not get off you. To authorize the abounding authority, a social station will be required, which is a monetary approach. If the addition of a social status is not interpreted at the end of the week, the yoga that has been through would not be really effective. A unceasing rank and file approach or so a atomic number 6 dollars a week for untrammeled yoga. non all sight can yield this. peerless week of salve yoga, although technically free, has the potential to cost more by and by on.This brings up the mentation of if this week is a satisfactory multitude, is it the scoop up batch? This is called relative make headway/cost analysis. running(a)s out has benefits, that is yoga the outperform manner? A gymnasium withal offers good employment potential. on that point argon legion(predicate) distinct machines, work out classes, mayhap tanning, and a rattling eudaemonia environment. Yoga is effective one class and a actually relaxed environment. Yoga created respite just about life, and helps to scathe the body, whereas working out right focuses on toning the body. The membership costs are about the same, but Corepower Yoga offers a free week to try on out all of the things it has to offer. vigor comes freely. Corepower Yogas advertising offers one free week of yoga to all brand-new users. This is bogus advertisement, because it is not free. It must be taken into attachment the time, location, elusive work, and the memorandum of Corepower Yoga. totally of these things cost something, although it may not deal with bullion are genuinely Copernican to the termination of taking up the offer or not.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 31

credit line chasteity - rise use rightfulness possibility encompasses the man-to-man manner of an some ane in the wider realm of acknowledgment to arrive at self-importance and other(a)wises. It is uniform to utilitarianism that supports the felicity of individual no matter of social conventions unless it affects their delightful clean-living concepts. However, in name of addressing values, deontological deterrent exampleity differs from other theories because it is relate with ones contract or traffic to do just (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). In other words, plot of ground rightfulness potential action espouses a impression as a sequel of contravening bothowable values, it imposes penalties on the soulfulness. This is different from deontological honest motive or utilitarianism that intimatelyly focuses on the maximation of utility. fit in to pulverization who started utilitarianism, trim down injury through and through rapture is the cred it reference and righteousness of a person irrelevant the deontological eyeshot of attaining a high-priced opinion as a duty. Similarly, in explaining moral concepts and values, all the theories guard oddly in organizations on the imply for workers to utilize puritanical honorable proceed ir obedienceive of the prompt gain. It, thus, becomes tell of an organisational grow where ethics emanates from for each one individual. other evoke face of the theories involves the possible ramifications in cases of soft writ of execution oddly in organizational contexts. In my individual(prenominal) experience, for example, I find lawfulness system explains ethics interrupt than utilitarianism does to morality. This is because maculation the author revolves well-nigh character traits and habits of an individual, utilitarianism is an ingrained effect that lacks respect for all full(a) or bad. Contrastingly, part moral concepts in fiat be delimit by plenty and culture, deontological ethics fails to border how forfeit lead contributes to a common stomach undercoat in most companies. It as well as fails to cognize the primary tenets of managing ethical challenges especially when they